Women’s Menstrual Health Journey, Including Perimenopause And Beyond

Thu, 29 Jun 2023 12:00 – 13:00 – Virtual

The BIDs in the London Heritage Quarter (The Northbank, Victoria, Victoria Westminster and Whitehall BIDs) are partnering with the Westminster Physiotherapy and Pilates Centre to host a virtual Women’s Menstrual Health Journey workshop on Thursday 29 June from 12pm – 1pm.

The workshop will aim to help you:

• Gain an understanding of your menstrual cycle and learn what exercises to perform and when to do them.

• Learn about certain foods that can help and when to eat them.

• What signs and symptoms to look for when entering perimenopause.

• Understand a few of the medical conditions that can occur and what can be done about them.

• Learn about the overwhelming benefits of bringing about lifestyle change [ with the 5 pillars of health], becoming more body intuitive and taking ownership of your own bodies.

• Perform a little exercise routine that can be done anywhere, anytime!

Book here